Work Out Service Ltd. is a dynamically developing, prudent claim management company, highly appreciated by its partners and exclusively owned by Hungarian founders, which participates in the claim enforcement of the most important market operators since its foundation.
Our company’s activity covers management of claims secured by property mortgage as well as claims without security, and all activities in relation to property management, including among others occupation, survey and full administration of properties.
Our company performs asset recovery for more multinational members of FMCG sector, in the course of which we are searching for the assets laid out by our Partners and provide help in the recovery of them. We are proud of being a member of Hungarian Association of Claim Managers and Business Information Providers (MAKISZ). In the course of its activity our company – in compliance with the principles of (MAKISZ) – gives special attention to the general and market appreciation of its Partners and aim to support its partnerships.

Personal visits
All of our qualified and experienced specialists have official financial intermediator exam issued by MNB (National Bank of Hungary), accordingly our Partners can trust our reliable and professional actions in the course of personal visits.

Multitudinous case management
Our effective office system and processes help us in the takeover and management of our Partner’s thousands of cases, month by month. We immediately start the management of cases handed over and we finish the processing of them until the deadline agreed; we also undertake a short deadline for processing of special and urgent projects.

Effective contact
This is essential for reaching an agreement between the parties to find the debtor and to have negotiation with him

Accurate administration
Our effective information system and the flexible administration processes reflecting our client’s interest make our Partners able to follow up all phases of claim enforcement which provide them up to date information about the management of cases handed out. We pay special attention to get in touch with our Partners as well as with the clients in order to inform them on the results of our work as soon as possible.

Call center
Our call center administrators are continuously in touch with the debtors, which helps us to support the regular payment of debts not only in the first phase of the claim enforcement procedure, but also during the follow-up of the payment agreements.

During our work we pay special attention to comply with legal rules as well as professional recommendations and to find a solution for the payment of debts, which satisfy the need of our Partners and also acceptable for the debtors. All that help us to support the maintenance of positive social appreciation of the Partners and to save their partnerships.


Financial institutions

FMCG sector

Public services

Telekommunication service providers

Factor and leasing companies





Head of legal
Being the founder of Work Out Service Ltd. I followed with attention the develoment of the company from the beginning and saw how the little company grown up to an innovative and prosperous claim management firm. My present duties are to define our strategic goals and to coordinate our legal group and to contact with legal representatives of our Partners.

Managing director
Beyond the representation of the company my most important duties are to create the most effective internal structure and coordinate the operation, furthermore to support and develop the partnerships of the company.

Debt collection manager
My former experiences in multinational financial institutions help me to carry out my daily work and also to support the extension of our company’s services. As the debt collection manager of the company I am working with my professional group to fulfil all of our Partners’ claim by complying with our principles.